Tango Newport
Introductory Courses for Tango Argentino

We hold introductory courses in Social Tango Argentino for newcomers (complete beginners or established dancers who are 'new' to TangoNewport classes).  These are held at our Cosy Hall venue on Thursdays between 7:30 and 10:30

7:30 to 8:30 - Intro To Tango Class - Tango Argentino for newcomers – a rolling series of classes,  designed to ‘get people dancing’ and bring them to a level where they will benefit from joining the Development and Exploration Sessions.  Newcomers can start at any week of the series.  There is plenty of revision so that students are comfortable with implementing what they have learned.
:  £8

8:30 to 10:10 - Developers and Explorers Class  – a structured series of classes, over a period of about 8 weeks, designed to give students the grounding and confidence to dance at Milongas and Practicas, and to develop their (and their partner's) enjoyment of Tango Argentino.  Following on from the Intro classes
:  £8 or £11 with first class

10:10 – Close – Supervised Dancing (Practica) - The evening concludes with a period of free dancing where the teachers and helpers are available to dance with the students and/or help out on the dance floor.
:  £5 (Free to class participants)

We encourage Developers and Explorers to attend all the Tango social functions that they can; and also to go on to take further lessons from other teachers to improve their technique and enjoyment.  Details of the available teachers in the area will be published on our web site 'Local Pages' Directory - Tango Newport Directory Pages