Argentine Tango
Argentine Tango is not just a dance. .
. it's an experience, a celebration.
It is gaining a huge current popularity, with its
ability to combine PASSION, SENSUALITY and ELEGANCE
within one dance. The Tango is a feeling that is
danced. That's why it is not choreographed; though it
can have natural sequences, like all feelings. You can
dance love, rage, happiness, pleasure . . . every
mood. The tango is not a dance to demonstrate ability
but rather an interpretation of feeling. It is not
just moving your feet, climbing over legs and
posturing. Most pleasure can be gained by endeavouring
to make the dance a pleasure for your partner, even if
this is the first time you have danced together.
The tango is Argentine, but it belongs to all those
who understand its feelings and its codes. It is an
intuitive and spontaneous dance which is created "in
the moment" utilising variations and combinations of
walking, turning, stopping and adornments. As the
couple moves with the flow of other couples around the
line of dance, the man provides his partner with
clearly marked opportunities for steps, figures and
adornments of varying tempo, size and energy, in a
dance, which enhances the excitement and
unpredictability of the experience. Even though
certain rules and parameters must be followed, the
dancers can never truly predict how someone will
interpret the music, construct a dance, or embellish
it. It really does "take two to tango", because tango
is more than just one leading and the other following.
Both partners are important contributors - as with all
good conversations.
Since bursting out of the salons & dance halls of
Buenos Aires in the late 19th Century, the Argentine
Tango has evolved into a popular dance form which has
captured the hearts and imaginations of people around
the world. Tango requires simultaneous surrender and
discipline. The unspoken dialogue, as partners are
responding to one another's expressive interpretations
through the connection of their bodies, has led to the
description of this dance being a pure form of
communication - a conversation without words. Women
and men bring their own signatures to the THE
Tango Newport
are held at 7.30pm at the Cosy Hall, Water Lane,
Newport, Shropshire TF10 7LD every Thursday
night. For all our activities - please see the
Because of the
pleasure we have found in dancing Tango, we are
enthusiastic and passionate about sharing it with
anyone who wants to learn and experience the many
facets of Argentine Tango.
We practice the social style of Argentine Tango. In
contrast to stage or 'medal' tango, the social dance
is entirely improvised. Our Skills Share
and Intro sessions are designed to have you
dancing socially as soon as possible. The emphasis is
on the 'connection' between the leader and follower,
musicality and improvisation. Our dancers are of
diverse backgrounds, nationalities and ages and joined
together by their shared passion for the Argentine
Keep In Touch
Stay tuned and check the
Calendar for more Upcoming Events. Tell us what
you think of our new website, what we should improve
and what you'd like to see and read about. And to make
it easy for you to come back and keep up-to-date, we
suggest you bookmark this Tango Newport website. Let's
dance tango soon.
Confusing for beginners - the word
Milonga has more than one use.
1. - A milonga is one of the three dances in the
Argentine Tango portfolio - Tango - Vals - Milonga.
2. - Milonga is also used to refer to the dance venue or
event. Like the Ballroom or Ball.
Milonga - the dance - is often referred
to as one of the earliest form of the tango. Normally
danced one step per beat. Most beginners start in
patterns of six step. It is usually more upbeat than a
tango - often danced to a quick rythm - but there are
some lovely slower milongas.
The term for a female Tango dancer using
the very close 'Milonguero' embrace. The upper bodies of
the dancers are touching thus the steps and movements
are less spectacular but the communication between the
dancers is much more effective.
The male equivalent of the
Milonguera, being a Milongero became a way of life for
some Argentinian men who would spend their life
perfecting their own particular dance and just dancing
- often to the detriment of their families.
What is a Milonguero?
The following is an extract from a letter written by
the late Maestro Ricardo Vidort:

"To explain what is a
milonguero, is really very difficult, because the
feeling of this beautiful emotion is something new to
each person. It is almost impossible to put it
in words. But I shall try to do it, and I hope
without offending or hurting anybody's feelings.
To be a milonguero, first of all you have your own
style of dancing. It means that you have a
unique feeling for the music, rhythm, cadence and
embrace. When you have all this, the music
invades your body and mind and then, only then, the
chemistry begins that really makes you transmit to
your partner as if both were talking, whispering,
sliding on the floor with sacadas, corridas, turns,
dancing only one for the other, not for the
people. In that moment, when both are listening
to the magic of the music, the skin of one in the skin
of the other, the smell, the touch produces the
miracle of something like a mantra, and the ying and
the yang is there!!! We are dancing tango!!!
The priorities of a milonguero are the feeling and the
woman. The codes are like the commandments which
were born with the tango, and the music is defined in
three parts. The first is a question, the second
is a pause or prologue, the third part holds an
answer. All this is in our feeling and this is
why we always improvise, having the pleasure of being
ourselves, in our own style with the rhythm and the
Today people teach in methodic ways, but the tango,
the real Tango Salon, does not have method, because it
is a feeling.
Technique and choreography are only for performance,
this is tango which has been learned for hours for
show business; there are hundreds of couples doing the
same thing, and only a few of them, let us say ten or
fifteen are really very good because they are
different and that is another thing.
Every tango dancer of the streets, those who practised
in the squares or parks, with other men, developed
technique naturally, without knowing it. His
steps and feeling were a technique.
My advice is - walk, walk with your toe first and
always in the music, walk and practise to be yourself
and not a copy of anybody else.
Ricardo Vidort, July 2004"
Much has been written regarding Tango
shoes. Most will say that Tango shoes should be leather
soled as opposed to suede soled ballroom dancing shoes.
This has arisen because that is what the Argentines
wear. In Argentina it is rare for a Milonga to be held
at a venue with a sprung wooden dance floor; dancers
often find themselves in sports halls, restaurants,
cafes and patios or even grass. Any shoe that permits
the dancer to pivot on the ball of the foot on the floor
in use at the time is fine. Most dancers have leather
soled as well as suede soled shoes so that they can
select appropriately for the venue when they get there.
Suede soles left un-brushed for a time take on the
properties of a leather sole. The important criteria are
pivot easily when turning; without slipping when
Perpetrators of the Argentine
Tango are known as Tangueros. Tanguero for male -
Tanguera for female. Also see Milongero
and Milongera.
In Buenos Aires the dances at a milonga
are generally organised in groups or 3 or 4 dances in a
similar vein (a Tanda). There may be several Tandas of
Tango, one of Vals, another couple of Tango, one of
Milonga and so on. The Tandas are separated by a short
intermission (Cortina) - this can be a burst of a pop
song, rock number or a full dance of another genre (a
Mambo say). At a Buenos Aires milonga it is usual for a
man to invite a lady to dance the full Tanda (or all
that remains of it). At the end of the Tanda it is usual
for the man to escort the lady back to her table during
the intermission. In the golden age, at most milongas,
the music was being played on records (and from the 50's
on LP's) they tended to play a Tanda from one LP and
hence one orchestra. At TangoNewport we play the music
from our vast collections stored on computers -
therefore we are able to organise much more interesting
Tandas. Few of the LP's had 4 consecutive 'great'
tracks, but this is easy to achieve with the technology
at our disposal these days. We still aim to present each
Tanda with a common mood or style - but no longer need
to limit it to consecutive tracks from the same
orchestra, however this is more usual than not. Our play
lists for the evenings or other events cover most of the
repertoire - catering for most tastes - but with the
emphasis on genuine Argentinian music written and
performed for dancers.
In Buenos Aires the Tandas are separated
by a short intermission (Cortina) - this can be a burst
of a pop song, rock number or a full dance of another
genre (a Mambo say)
Much of this was taken from an
American web site which used to be at"
- we have given it our own flavour.
The following guidelines of Tango dance
etiquette are usually assumed to be well known, but not
often discussed. For new dancers, it's good to know
what's what so as to help avoid embarrassing, awkward,
or unsafe situations. As in any pastime -
following some basic guidelines can help maximize the
pleasure of your Tango dance experience and that of the
souls around you.
1. Not
The Dodgems. At a
Tango milonga (dance), couples dance counter-clockwise
around the dance floor. In some places, with large
floors, there are slower "lanes" toward the
centre. The faster "lanes" are those toward the
outside of the counter - clockwise line of dance
however, in TangoNewport, dancing in strict lanes is
neither the norm or encouraged. As you dance,
refrain from cutting across other dancers, cutting
through the centre, or dancing backward to the
line-of-dance (into the oncoming traffic). In UK
the venues are generally not very large and it is
therefore incumbent on the leaders to leave space
around them for other dancers and not to assume they
have right of way to overtake at any time in a 'fast
lane'. The general direction of progress (the
line of dance) is counter clockwise but it is not a
route march. Buenos Aires Milongueros may take
an entire dance to traverse one side of the venue.
2. Clear
The Deck. If you
are not dancing, please show common sense and respect
to those who are dancing by
not walking
through the busy dance floor and by staying clear of
the dance space. For example, whilst others are
dancing, do not stand in the dance lanes and
talk. On the dance floor, available real estate
is always in demand and constantly changing.
First priority goes to the dance and the
dancers. Give the dancers room. However,
in narrow venues where tables are placed around the
edges of the dance floor; dancers should give
consideration to those people standing by their tables
or in the process of rising or sitting. A
Milonga is a social event and social activities will
go on around the periphery of the dancing. Give
the other guests consideration.
3. Teachers'
Pests. If you are
trying to show your partner a new step, move to
a non-dance area for your demonstration and
discussion. At a Practica in particular, please
conduct these activities in the centre of the floor -
leaving the outside free for the normal dance traffic.
4. Safety
First. The safety
of your partner and surrounding dancers is your first
concern. Both leader and follower should always
be alert to the presence of other dancers in front, to
the sides, and behind to help avoid collisions.
The leader is responsible for 'Taking The Space' on a
dance floor - so should ensure that the space is
available before invading it. If a collision
occurs, try to soften the effect by bringing your arms
in and stopping movement. Afterwards be polite
and friendly, even if it was not your fault (as if it
ever would be!). To a large extent, dancing on a
crowded Tango dance floor is an exercise in avoiding
collisions in a safe, creative, and fun fashion - but
do it to the music please.
5. Leg
Sense. No one likes
being kicked, run into, or stepped on; so on a crowded
dance floor, avoid aggressive movements uch as high
boleos, hard-hitting ganchos, and leg
extensions. If you feel you are about to step on
someone, hopefully not your partner, try to not follow
through with the stepping action to soften the blow of
your foot landing on another's.
6. Arm
Sense. Leaders keep
your left hand down and about shoulder height with
your left elbow down and fairly close to your
side. You are (hopefully) not trying to look
like the 'Come Dancing' folk. It's not fun on a
crowded dance floor having to duck when another dancer
swings around with their partner and the lead's left
hand is five feet in the air and inches from your
7. No
Showboats. On a
crowded dance floor, "showboating" in the outer lane
is frowned on since it usually stops dancers, coming
from behind, making forward progress; and it usually
involves steps that are not safe to the surrounding
dancers, and probably not in keeping with the
music. Remember, it's not the Olympics or "show
time", it's a social dance, so relax and have
fun. If you feel the need to do a little
showboating, move to the centre of the floor where you
can stop and do multiple ochos or molinetes, for
example, and not hinder the anti clockwise
line-of-dance movement.
8. Collision
Detection/Prevention. For
the leaders, if you absolutely must travel backwards
to line-of-dance, look to the rear first. For
the followers, as any dance pattern unfolds, be alert
to dancers potentially in the way and let the leader
know of a possible collision verbally, by a hand
squeeze, or by pulling your partner closer, or all of
these, especially on a crowded dance floor. In
the Buenos Aires milongas most tangueros start by
facing the outside wall. If you are facing the
outside wall a backward step is not against the line
of dance. They progress by using patterns of
turning steps that generally advance counter
clockwise. They will often take an entire Tango
to cover one side of the dance floor.
9. Traffic
Jams. If a dance
couple in front of you stops, then either dance around
them (if that will not inconvenience others), mark
time or use the techniques we teach at TangoNewport,
to continue dancing 'on your tile' until they
move. Turning will generally avoid an impasse.
10. Backseat
Drivers. Followers,
do not back-lead. Not only does it make leading
more difficult, but it also makes it more difficult
for the leader to avoid collisions. It also detracts
from the very essence of this wonderful dance.
11. Smile
- You're In His/Her Arms. It's
ok to smile and have fun on the Tango dance
floor. We hear that the Tango police have
stopped prosecuting for this.
12. Free
Advice. For more
experienced dancers, try to set a good example for
beginners: be patient, polite and sensitive. It
is acceptable to give advice, provided it is asked for
first, or provided you first ask permission to make an
"observation" or a "comment". Remember you were
once a beginner. A harsh or insensitive, but
well intended "comment" can still ruin someone's
13. Getting
Close. Nearly last
but not nearly least: Argentine Tango is an intimate
and elegant dance. For a pleasant experience,
good hygiene is essential; we hope everybody bathes
before dancing and uses deodorant. It helps to
use breath fresheners frequently, many Milongas
provide mints at the entrance desk. Minimal
talking while dancing; focus on the music, dancing and
floor traffic. Careful with the aftershave and
perfume; some people are sensitive to them. If
you perspire, use a towel or handkerchief often.
People as a rule don't like dance partners that are
walking wet towels (in the literal sense.) So
men, if you perspire heavily, use a towel, take a
break and cool down, bring extra shirts, and change
frequently. Try wearing a vest (under-shirt for
the colonials). Even in the steamy Buenos Aires
milongas many men wear jackets for the actual dances,
removing it between tandas. This is a social
dance, go to the gym if you want an aerobic
workout. If you wear glasses, consider contact
lenses or removing your glasses while dancing unless
you can't see where you're dancing. Getting
whacked in the head with someone's glasses as they
turn their head is not pleasant.
14. Talking.
Whilst a Milonga is a
social event - please, please
please keep your chatter OFF the
dance floor. Whilst you may well feel that what
you want to say to your partner is the most riveting
discourse since the sermon on the mount, it is the
last thing other dancers wish to hear. Once a
dance has started, if you are nattering you cannot
possibly be paying proper attention to the music, your
partner, or the other dancers around you. This
is probably the single biggest and most prolific sin
at a milonga, whereas the odd bump may be easily
forgiven; constant nattering is just not acceptable
and can totally destroy the feeling of the dance for
those unfortunate souls within earshot who are
subjected to your poor etiquette. Talk at the
tables NOT during the dance.
15. And Finally.
One last thing, PLEASE, avoid
jeans, tennis shoes, or other similar casual attire
when you go to a dance. Tango is an elegant dance;
dress for it.
1999-2009 InScenes
Magazine, All Rights Reserved. This material may not
be used in any manner without the expressed written
permission of InScenes Magazine.
Tango Nuevo
it was originally conceived, tango nuevo was largely a
pedagogic approach to tango that emphasized a
structural analysis of the dance in which previously
unexplored combinations of steps and new figures could
be found. Some of those exploring those
possibilities gradually developed tango nuevo into a
style that is danced in an open, loose or elastic
embrace with a very upright posture and a great
emphasis on the dancers maintaining their own
axes. Although some advocates emphasize its
structural analysis over specific figures, some of the
most identifiable figures of the style are overturn
ochos, cadenas, linear boleos and volcadas—most of
which are best accomplished in a loose or elastic